siedlerstraße oberursel
camp king was a former u.s. military base in oberursel (taunus). after eight years of construction, a residential area emerged on the 37 acre site.
in the late 1930s the so called “reichssiedlungshof” (reich settlement-court) was built on the northern part of the site. in 1938 some of the buildings were erected within the framework of the first german building and settlement exhibition in frankfurt and later rebuilt in oberursel. the 21 residential and commercial buildings served the university of frankfurt as “reichssiedlungsschule” (reich settlement-school).
after much discussion, the entire area was placed under monument protection. the buildings, most of them erected as half timbered houses, had to be partially demolished or refurbished at enormous expense. because of surface and ceiling heights, the buildings where generally not suitable for residential use. we designed 12 houses and annexes, six of them on a turnkey basis and sold by us, three realized as client projects. these nine are presented in this brochure.
architektur und kommunikation im raum
0 61 51 . 742 88
denkschmiede berlin
0 30. 554926 03